Time to E-A-T – Issue #002

Time to E-A-T – Issue #002

Actionable SEO Tip of the Week

Usually, when we talk about showing up on Google search results, we think about ranking factors like on-page optimization, backlinks, and content, among others. But we rarely think about Google Search Quality Rater guidelines

What are Search Quality Rater guidelines?

I’ll give you a quick rundown, but if you want more info, I’ll leave you two links here and here.

Search Quality Raters are individuals (yes, humans) that based on Google provided guidelines review, categorize, and test websites to make sure they comply with what Google wants to see.

E-A-T Guidelines

One of the guidelines that raters focus on is the E-A-T, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Although E-A-T guidelines are not a direct ranking factor, Google uses them to determine the quality and credibility of your web content.

A website that has Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, provides a better user experience, and that is a ranking factor.

Improving your E-A-T

Here are 7 actionable tips you can implement to show expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness:

  1. Show your (or your brand’s) expertise by guest posting or getting mentions on other reputable websites, blogs, or publications.

  2. Look for podcast interview opportunities and make sure they link back to your website.

  3. Invite known experts to contribute to your website content. As an example, see how we did it with this KatLinks blog post.

  4. Make sure your content is up to date and current. If you still have a blog post that talks about Flash, you may need to update that.

  5. Get more reviews and testimonials. This is one of the best ways to generate trustworthiness.

  6. Showcase your team and their accomplishments.

  7. Have a strong brand presence.

There’s a lot more you can do, but focus on these suggestions and you’ll be well on your way to having the type of content that Google wants to rank.

Are there any specific topics you want me to cover in the coming weeks? DM me on Twitter and let me know!

SaaS Showcase of the Week

As I mentioned above, a strong brand presence is crucial to having a strong E-A-T. This is true because people tend to trust recognizable brands (and personal brands).

That is why Branding is an integral part of any marketing strategy, and everything starts with your brand’s image, your logo. This brings us to this week’s SaaS showcase.

Get a designer-quality logo for your SaaS startup in 5 minutes. A brand identity that represents your business and your values will help people remember and trust you.

Do you want me to showcase your SaaS or digital product? Click here to learn about our sponsorship opportunities.

Product Shoutouts

Tweet Hunter: Grow a high-quality Twitter audience

Superblog: A blazing fast alternative to WordPress and Medium

BrandBird: Turn your screenshots into captivating branded social graphics

SuperSEO Tips: Actionable tips to help improve your SEO

Copymatic: Generate AI blog articles, website copy, landing pages & digital ads in seconds.

KatLinks: Affordable SEO Tool for Makers

In Conclusion…

Make sure that your website and content show that you are an expert in your field, have subject authority, and are a trustworthy brand. Nail that and Google will love your content and so will your users

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