Repurpose your Content – Issue #012

Repurpose your Content – Issue #012

Actionable SEO Tip of the Week

Creating content is not easy. It takes hours, if not days, of research before you even start writing. Then you spend time putting the content together, reviewing everything, and finally publishing it.

After all that work, the only thing left is to start all over again with your next piece of content

But what if there was something you could do to make the most of the content you are creating? Well, there is!

Repurpose your content

Content repurposing consists of reusing the content you already created and adapting it to other formats.

For example, last week’s newsletter was repurposed from this tweet:

Here's a quick SEO tip

Use Twitter contacts to get backlinks

1. Find someone in a similar niche or that targets the same audience as you

2. Offer to guest post on their blog

They get a relevant piece of content that drives traffic, you get a backlink


The possibilities are limitless

With a little creativity, you can turn any piece of content into a different format. Here are some ideas:

Twitter thread blog post

Blog post downloadable resource

Podcast episode video

Interview blog post

Blog post newsletter

Here’s a list of some popular formats you can use to mix and match as you like:

  • Blog post

  • Tweet

  • Twitter thread

  • Video

  • Podcast episode

  • Newsletter

  • Interview

  • Infographic

  • Downloadable resource

  • Social media post

  • Slideshow presentation

  • LinkedIn articles

  • Ebook

  • White paper

  • Webinar

Literally, you can grab one blog post and turn it into all the other formats

Benefits of repurposing content

Repurposing your content can do wonders for your content distribution. Here are some of the benefits you will encounter:

Simplify content creation: You don’t have to create all content from scratch, but rather adapt content, which is much faster to do.

Increase your reach: When you adapt your content to other formats, you will be able to reach a wider audience that consumes content from different channels. Why only reach your blog readers when you can reach an audience on YouTube that prefers to watch videos instead of reading.

Brand authority: The increased reach will position you or your brand as an authority in your topic.

SEO boost: When you have more content out there in different formats you have better chances of people finding and sharing it, which will bring in backlinks and referral traffic.

Now that you know this, go check your content… Is there anything you could use to repurpose and adapt to other formats? I’m sure there is. Go for it!

Are there any specific topics you want me to cover in the coming weeks? DM me on Twitter and let me know!

SaaS Showcase of the Week

Every day people online are talking about the problems they have and the solutions they are looking for. That’s why responding to social, blog and community posts is one of the most effective marketing channels for almost any business.

But here’s the question, how can you know when people are talking about the topics around your brand? Well, I’ll tell you how in this week’s SaaS showcase.

Syften is a social monitoring tool that tracks 24/7 the mentions and keywords you care about on the web’s leading communities and social channels.

Be the first to know when someone is looking for the solution you provide, which will allow you to interact with them right there and then. This is organic marketing on steroids!

Of course, I have to mention that it’s also good for SEO because it can help you find unlinked brand mentions that you can follow up on to get linked.

They offer a 14-day free trial, so give it a try and see how it can help you reach an audience that already needs what you offer.

Do you want me to showcase your SaaS or digital product? Click here to learn about our sponsorship opportunities.

Product Shoutouts

Tweet Hunter: Grow a high-quality Twitter audience

Superblog: A blazing fast alternative to WordPress and Medium

BrandBird: Turn your screenshots into captivating branded social graphics

SuperSEO Tips: Actionable tips to help improve your SEO

Copymatic: Generate AI blog articles, website copy, landing pages & digital ads in seconds.

KatLinks: Affordable SEO Tool for Makers

In Conclusion…

Repurpose your content into other formats so you can reach a wider audience and boost your SEO.

If you found value in reading this, please consider sharing it with your friends and also on social media

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