Cluster those Keywords – Issue #018

Cluster those Keywords – Issue #018

Actionable SEO Tip of the Week

You can’t rank without content, and you can’t create content that ranks without good keywords.

Doing keyword research will help you find your best keywords, but if you want to make the most of your rankings and drive even more organic traffic to your website, then you need to go a step further… you need to do keyword clustering.

What is keyword clustering?

I’m not gonna get technical on you, so let’s keep it simple. Keyword clustering is a fancy term for grouping similar keywords together so that you can target more than one search phrase per page.

You probably, know that the rule of thumb is to use one top keyword per page or blog post, but that does not mean that you only have to use one keyword and repeat it a bunch of times.

Yes, keyword density is a thing, and in order to increase your topical relevancy you do need to repeat your top keyword where it makes sense, but you also need to include similar keywords.

Here is exactly where keyword clustering or keyword grouping comes into play.

How does it work?

In order to make a cluster of keywords you need to find the keywords that are related to your top keyword, in other words, those search phrases that even though are different they are still about the same topic.

For example, if your top keyword is “CRM software”, these keywords would be part of the same cluster:

  • best CRM software

  • what is a CRM software

  • top CRM software

  • CRM system

  • CRM software solution

  • online CRM software

  • cloud CRM software

  • free CRM software

  • CRM tool

  • best free CRM

  • CRM software solution

Of course, this is just an example, with proper keyword research you should be able to find more accurate related keywords.

Benefits of Keyword Clustering

You don’t do keyword clustering because it’s cool, you do it because it is good for your SEO. Here are some of the direct benefits:

Helps you create valuable content: By focusing on more than just one keyword you will be able to create more thorough content and provide higher value to your readers.

Rank for more keywords: Since you will be covering a wider range of related search phrases will have the chance to rank for more keywords with less content.

Improve topical relevancy: When you group keywords together in one piece of content, Google will be able to better understand the topic of your content, which will improve your ranking potential.

As I said at the start, keyword research will help you find the best keywords, but keyword clustering will take your SEO to next level.

News flash: We are currently working on a new KatLinks feature that will allow you to group your keywords into clusters while doing keyword research. I’ll share more about it once we get closer to launching the feature 

Are there any specific topics you want me to cover in the coming weeks? DM me on Twitter and let me know!

SaaS Showcase of the Week

If you are even a little active on Twitter you know that threads are super popular

This is because they tend to attract a lot of engagement, not to mention that the Twitter algorithm seems to love them.

The challenge with Twitter threads is not only creating the content but also formatting it correctly.

Fortunately, that’s no longer a problem! Let me tell you about this week’s SaaS showcase.

Chirr App is a powerful Twitter thread maker that splits text automatically using an intelligent algorithm that makes your threads easy to read.

But Chirr App is much more than just an editor, it also has tweet scheduling, analytics, evergreen rotation and much more!

Do you want me to showcase your SaaS or digital product? Click here to learn about our sponsorship opportunities.

Product Shoutouts

Tweet Hunter: Grow a high-quality Twitter audience

Superblog: A blazing fast alternative to WordPress and Medium

BrandBird: Turn your screenshots into captivating branded social graphics

SuperSEO Tips: Actionable tips to help improve your SEO

Copymatic: Generate AI blog articles, website copy, landing pages & digital ads in seconds.

KatLinks: Affordable SEO Tool for Makers

In Conclusion…

Rank for more keywords, improve your topical relevancy and drive more traffic to your website by grouping your keywords and creating content based on topic clusters

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