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  • Harness the Power of Topical Authority – Issue #047

Harness the Power of Topical Authority – Issue #047

RankAccelerate Newsletter

Learn how to master topical authority to improve your SEO, grow your business and stay ahead of the competition.

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Today we’re talking about topical authority, which is becoming an increasingly important aspect of SEO. In fact, Google just published an article about it on the Google Search Central blog. Even though it focused on news sites, its relevance applies to all websites.

So what exactly is topical authority, and why is it important?

Topical authority is a measure of how well your website and its pages cover a particular topic. This means that to achieve high topical authority, your site needs to cover a topic in-depth and provide comprehensive information about it.

Why is topical authority important for SEO?

Well, as search engines become more sophisticated, they emphasize topical authority in their algorithms, which means that if you prove to be a subject matter expert, you are more likely to rank for topic-related terms.

How do you build topical authority? Let’s go over some ideas:

1. Conduct thorough keyword research for your topic

Imagine you’ve built a CRM software. To establish topical authority in this niche, you need to create a content hub that covers all aspects of CRM, from the basics of what CRM is and why it’s important, to advanced topics like best practices for using automation tools, personalization strategies and the latest trends.

Doing keyword research will help you discover all the related keywords you will need. Once you have a list, group them into clusters or subtopics.

Breaking down your topic into specific subtopics will allow you to create in-depth content that addresses each one.

2. Create content that covers each subtopic in detail

It’s all about the content! And when we talk about creating comprehensive, high-quality content, we mean producing in-depth, informative, and useful content for your target audience.

When you do this, you’re helping search engines understand that you’re an expert on your topic and that your website is the go-to source of information. This, in turn, will help you build topical authority and improve your search engine rankings.

3. Link internally to other pages on your site that cover related topics

Internal links with relevant anchors play a key role in building topical authority because they help search engines understand the relationship between the pages and the relevance of the content.

Internal links will also keep users engaged with your site and increase the chances of them exploring and getting more value from your content.

4. Build backlinks from high authority sites

Besides increasing your ranking strength, backlinks signal search engines that your content is authoritative. Therefore, you should focus on getting backlinks from topic-related websites to take full advantage of topical authority.

For example, if you have a SaaS website, getting a backlink from a high-authority dental blog won’t be as beneficial as getting one from a tech-related blog.

So, let’s recap. To increase your topical authority, you need to research keywords, create relevant content, link everything together, and get backlinks from topic-related websites. Easy pissy 😂

Ok, it may not be as easy as it sounds, and it will take time. However, building topical authority and establishing yourself, or your brand, as an expert is an important step in building a successful SEO strategy that will help your business grow.

Are there any specific topics you want me to cover in the coming weeks? DM me on Twitter and let me know!

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